Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What a welcome home.

So OJ arrived home on the 19th which was a Saturday night around 8:30. (that's another post. So we went to bed around 10 or so and woke up the next morning and did some things. Later on Sunday evening, we fell asleep around 6 pm and sleep until midnight. We were both on messed up sleep schedules so it was kind of expected. Well by then we were hungry and didn't have a whole lot of food in the house. Of course at midnight, everything tends to close for the night. All accept Denny's of course. We have a Denny's a block and a half from our house and so we were able to walk. We actually had to walk because OJ's registration was expired on his car and we know that cops get bored at night and WILL pull you over for just about anything. So we ended up walking to Denny's.

After a lovely dinner for us but it was called a fourth meal, we paid and started walking home. As we passed between a little liquor store and a Comfort Inn, we noticed two African American males standing next to their car in the alleyway. I just glanced quickly, and kept on walking when I hear a gun cock, and hear one of the men say "give me your purse". Fear instantly possessed my entire body as I noticed a small black handgun pointed in my direction. I thought quickly and realised I didn't want any trouble and if I were to reach into my purse for my pepper spray or knife, I could lose my life. So I thought better of it and just handed the man my purse. He then turned to OJ and asked for his wallet and cell phone. As OJ handed over the loot, the man asked me where my cell phone was, to which I told him it was in the purse. And as quickly as it started, it was over. They both walked away into the car, and drove off. I was still shocked that the didn't shoot either of us and just grabbed OJ's hand and walked away, unharmed.

We were only a a few hundred feet from our house at this point and so we walked the rest of the way home. As we got to the gate and I punched in the code, I was very grateful that I knew the code and that I had left the front window open just enough to be able to jump through after we pulled the screen off. As soon as we were in the house, OJ called the cops and I felt a little more safe.

The robbers got away with both our cell phones, our wallets with all our cards and stuff in there, my $115 sunglasses, the keys to the house, the mailbox and the gate opener, as well as a few other things that are replaceable.

In my opinion, we walked off with the most valuable thing we could have.... our lives. Everything that was taken, could be replaced. Our lives, could not have been and that is what it most important to me.

I thank the Lord every day for the blessings he gave me that night and every night. The Lord delivered us from evil that night and I owe him the up most of gratitude.

Needless to say, no more late night trips anywhere. No, let me rephrase more trips after dark!

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